
The Friends of Lake Highlands Trail counts on supporters and annual members such as yourself to fund beautification projects, organize cleanups, produce neighborhood events, and communicate to stakeholders about developments and improvements being made on the trail. We can’t do this alone, and it’s our trail and your support that make improvements possible.

Annual Friends membership is $30 for individuals and $50 for families.

To become a member, choose Annual Recurring on the donation page, and input $30 for an individual or $50 for a family. You can also make a monthly donation or a one-time donation of any amount.

Thank you for being a Friend of Lake Highlands Trail!


It all begins with you. The volunteer. Someone like yourself that has a passion for doing good and wants to make a positive impact in their community. Whatever you want your contribution to be, however you want to make a difference in our community, your help is valued and needed.

Contact Us

Do you want to make a difference in the Lake Highlands Community? That’s great because we need your help. We are a young organization and can use as much help as we can get. We have numerous volunteer opportunities and specifically need help with beautification, trash cleanups, events, and filling leadership roles.